Xing Wang Deng



Tel: 86-010-62765439

The research field:
Plant Photomorphogenesis, Agricultural Biotechnology, Plant Hybrid Vigor, Applied Plant Bioinformatics


Dr. Xing Wang DENG

University Endowed Professor, Peking University

Dean and Chief Scientist, Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences

School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences and School of Life Sciences, Peking University

Email: deng@pku.edu.cn 


Short Bio

Dr. Xing-Wang Deng is a University Endowed professor, the Dean and Chief Scientist of Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, and the Chairman of Academic Committee in School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences at Peking University, China. He received the BS and MS degrees from Peking University in 1982 and 1985, respectively. In 1989, he received the PhD degree from University of California at Berkeley and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Peter Quail’s laboratory at UC Berkeley. In 1992, Dr. Deng jointed the faculty of Department of MCD Biology at Yale University as an Assistant professor, and was promoted as Full professor and the Endowed Daniel C. Eaton Professor in 2001 and 2003, respectively. In July 2014, he jointed Peking University as an University Endowed professor. His laboratory focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism for light regulated seedling development in Arabidopsis, and on the development of agro-biotechnology for molecular design breeding in crops. So far, he has published 398 academic papers in international journals, including Cell, Nature, Science, Plant Cell, PNAS, etc. He received the Presidential Faculty Fellow Award in 1995 and The Kumho Science International Award in 2003. In 2013, Dr. Deng was elected as the Fellow of American Association for Advancement of Science and the Member of US National Academy of Sciences.

His research interests are focused on photomorphogenesis and agribiotechnology. Light is one of the most important environmental factors for plant growth and development. The response of plant to light is called photomorphogenesis. In early 1990s, for the first time in the world, he identified COP1, a core inhibitor of photomorphogenesis in plant. In the following years, after he had set up his own lab in Yale University, he identified and characterized three major complexes which modulate plant photomorphogenesis through ubiquitination and degradation of the core transcription factors. In recent years, he also demonstrated that plant hormones (gibberellin and ethylene) and non-coding RNA are involved in the regulation of photomorphogenesis. These research achievements provide the molecular foundation for photomorphogenesis in plant and give us deep understanding of how key environmental factor affects plant development.

From the beginning of this century, he initiated the research on plant genomic in his lab. He has explored the genome-wide transcriptional and epigenetic variations among accessions and their hybrids in rice, maize and Arabidopsis. These studies shed light on our understanding of the regulation of genome activity and the molecular basis of hybrid vigor in plant. Moreover, he has also made great achievements in agribiotechnology. By collaboration with other labs, he has developed whole-genome high-dense SNP genotyping arrays in rice and maize, which enable rapid detection of genetic background of different species and thus will benefit greatly the crop breeding. He has also set up a group to study on core technologies for crop breeding. He has developed a new hybrid seed production system in rice (i.e. the third generation hybrid rice breeding technique) which can break down the barriers and bottlenecks of traditional hybrid breeding and will lead to a new era of hybrid rice practice in China.


Scientific Publications

(I) Books in Chinese:

3.      邓兴旺(主编) (2020).《植物的身体》. 商务出版社.

2.      邓兴旺(主编) (2020).《植物私生活》. 商务出版社.

1.      邓兴旺(主编) (2020).《植物与食物》. 商务出版社.

(II) Books in English:

1.      Karplus, V. J., and Deng, X.W. (2007). Agricultural Biotechnology in China: Origins and Prospects (a book with 10 chapters). Forwarded by Norman E. Borlaug. Published December 7, 2007 by Springer.

(III) Book Chapters in English:

13.     He, G., and Deng X. W. (2013). Chromatin and gene expression mechanisms in hybrids. Chapter 20 in Hybrid and Polyploid Genomics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: 323-333.

12.     Li, J., Li, G., Wang, H., and Deng, X.W. (2011). Phytochrome signaling mechanisms. Arabidopsis Book 9: e0148.

11.     Yanagawa, Y., Feng, S., and Deng, X.W. (2005). Light control of plant development: a role of the ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated proteolysis. Chapter 29 in Light Sensing in Plants, pp. 253-260. Eds: Wada, M., Shimazaki, K., and Lino, M. Springer.

10.     Li, L., Wang, X., Li, X., Su, N., Stolc, V., Han, B., Li, J., Xue, Y., Wang, J., and Deng, X.W. (2004). Toward genome-wide transcriptional analysis in rice using MAS oligonucleotide tiling-path microarrays. In Rice Is Life: Scientific Perspectives For The 21st Century. Eds: Toriyama K., Heong, K. L. and Hardy, B. Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference.

9.       Wang, H., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Phytochrome signaling mechanisms. In The Arabidopsis Book, Eds. Somerville, C. R., and Meyerowitz, E. M., American Society of Plant Biologists.

8.       Schwechheimer, C., and Deng, X.W. (2002). FPLC Gel Filtration. In Arabidopsis-A Laboratory Manual pp. 226-228, Eds: Weigel, D., and Glazebrook, J. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

7.       Schwechheimer, C., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Studying protein-protein interactions with the yeast two-hybrid system. Chapter 9 in Molecular Plant Biology: A practical Approach, volume II, pp. 173-198. Eds: Philip M. G. and Chris B. Oxford University Press.

6.       Habashi, J., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Nondenaturing Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins. In Arabidopsis-A Laboratory Manual.pp. 228-233, Eds: Weigel, D., and Glazebrook, J. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

5.       Chamovitz, D.A., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Molecular approaches to biochemical purification: the COP9 complex paradigm. NATO ASI series, vol. H104, 83-91.

4.       Kwok, S. F., and Deng, X.W. (1996). The role of the pleiotropic Arabidopsis COP/DET/FUS genes in repression of photomorphogenic development in darkness. In Current Topics in Plant Physiology: an american Society of Plant Physiologists Series on [regulation of plant growth and development by light] vol. 17 pg.134-143

3.       Deng, X.W., and Gruissem, W. (1994). Chloroplast run-on transcription: determination of the transcription activity of chloroplast genes. A chapter on a published laboratory manual based on a COLD SPRING HARBOR COURSE.

2.       Melis, A., and Deng, X.W. (1987). The physiological significance of thylakoid membrane protein phosphorylation. In Progress in Photosynthesis Research,  Eds: Biggins, J. Vol. II (2):257 260. Springer.

1.       Gruissem, W., Deng, X.W., Jones, H., Stern, D, Tonkyn, J., and Zurawski, G. (1987). Transcriptional and post transcriptional regulation of chloroplast gene expression. In Structure and Function of Plant Genome, pp.135 148, Eds: Von Wettstein D., Chua, N. H. Plenum Press, New York.

(IV) Books Translated into Chinese

2.      Published in Chinese in June 2006. Mechanisms in Plant Development. Eds: Ottoline Leyser, and Stephen Day. Wiley-Blackwell,  Oxford. 2002 version.

         Ottoline Leyser, Stephen Day (), 瞿礼嘉, 邓兴旺() (2006). 植物发育的机制. 高等教育出版社.

1.      Published in Chinese in February 2004. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants. Eds: Bob Buchanan, Wilhelm Gruissem, and Russell Jones. American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville, MD, USA. 2002 version.

B.B. 布坎南, W. 格鲁依森姆, R.L. 琼斯(主编), 瞿礼嘉, 顾红雅, 白书农, 赵进东, 陈章良(主译), 陈章良, 邓兴旺(主校) (2004). 植物生物化学与分子生物学. 科学出版社.


(V) Articles in Chinese

21      邓兴旺 (2022). 道阻且长,行则将至;行而不辍,未来可期——杂交小麦的发展和展望. 科学通报 67, 3097-3099.

20      李健, 周宽基, 王峥, 周君莉, 邓兴旺 (2022). 基于隐性核雄性不育系的杂交小麦制种技术研究进展、问题与展望. 科学通报 67, 3140-3151.

19      邓兴旺, 李磊 (2022). 袁隆平和我国杂交水稻研究简史. 杂交水稻 37, 21-25.

18      张兴平, 钱前, 张嘉楠, 邓兴旺, 万建民, 徐云碧 (2021). 分子植物育种助推南繁种业转型升级. 中国农业科学 54, 3789-3804.

17    衡燕芳, 李健, 王峥, 陈卓, 何航, 兴旺, 马力耕 (2020). 十倍体长穗偃麦草雄性育性基因ThMs1的克隆、表达及功能分析. 中国农业科学 53, 4727-4742.

16      邓兴旺 (2019). 一座照亮植物科学和人类的灯塔——怀念Winslow Briggs教授. 自然杂志 41, 231-234.

15      严维, 周涵, 何航, 邓兴旺 (2019). 基于全基因组多态性的安农S-1与株1S亲缘关系分析. 杂交水稻 34, 57-61.

14      邓兴旺 (2018). 植物的眼睛在哪里? 自然杂志 40, 391-399.

13      何光明, 邓兴旺 (2018). 死亡信号传递:叶绿体与线粒体间信号交流调控植物程序性细胞死亡. 植物学报 53, 441-444.

12      何光明, 何航, 邓兴旺 (2016). 水稻杂种优势的转录组基础. 科学通报 61, 3850-3857.

11      何光明, 邓兴旺 (2016). 植物杂种优势分子机理研究:机遇和挑战. 中国基础科学 18, 28-34+64.

10      王玉秋, 樊德, 邓兴旺, 朱丹萌 (2016). 高等植物中的较长非编码RNA:从序列、功能到分子机理. 生命科学 28, 630-639.

9        邓兴旺 (2014). 怀念我的北大硕士导师梅镇安先生. 植物学报 49, 751-752.

8        陈少霞, 何航, 邓兴旺 (2013). 利用拟南芥杂交组合研究siRNA与等位基因DNA甲基化调控中的联系. 中国科学:生命科学 43, 897-904.

7        邓兴旺, 王海洋, 唐晓艳, 周君莉, 陈浩东, 何光明, 陈良碧, 许智宏 (2013). 杂交水稻育种将迎来新时代. 中国科学:生命科学 43, 864-868.

6        肖景华, 吴昌银, 韩斌, 薛勇彪, 邓兴旺, 张启发 (2009). 中国水稻功能基因组研究进展. 中国科学:生命科学 39, 909-924.

5        康定明, 瞿礼嘉, 邓兴旺, 陈章良 (2001). 拟南芥DNA全序列测定与分析完成. 植物学通报 18, 124-125.

4        邓兴旺 (2007). 水稻:从基因组水平研究到产量及品质的改进. 生命世界 6, 46-51.

3        邓兴旺, 梅镇安 (1987). 高等植物类囊体膜中色素蛋白复合体的迁移及光能在光系统间的分配. 中国科学:B 4, 377-386.

2        朱广廉, 邓兴旺, 左卫能, 曹宗巽 (1984). 太谷核不育小麦花药内游离脯氨酸和总氨基酸含量的变化及其与育性的关系. 植物学报 26, 616-622.

1        朱广廉, 邓兴旺, 左卫能 (1983). 植物体内游离脯氨酸的测定. 植物生理学通讯 1, 35-37.

(VI) Articles in English

377     Sun, L., Cao, Y., Li, Z., Liu, Y., Yin, X., Deng, X.W., He, H., and Qian, W. (2023). Conserved H3K27me3-associated chromatin looping mediates physical interactions of gene clusters in plants. J Integr Plant Biol, doi: 10.1111/jipb.13502.

376     Yan, W., Yuan, S., Zu, Y., Chang, Z., Li, Y., Chen, Z., Xie, G., Chen, L., Lu, C., Deng, X.W., Yang, C., Xu, C., and Tang, X. (2023). Ornithine δ-aminotransferase OsOAT is critical for male fertility and cold tolerance during rice plant development. Plant J, doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16194.

375     Zhao, Y., Shi, H., Pan, Y., Lyu, M., Yang, Z., Kou, X., Deng, X.W., and Zhong, S. (2023). Sensory circuitry controls cytosolic calcium-mediated phytochrome B phototransduction. Cell 186, 1230-1243 e1214.

374     Li, J., Wang, C., Liang, W., Zhang, J., Jiang, C.K., Liu, Y., Ren, Z., Ci, D., Chang, J., Han, S., Deng, X.W., Wang, Y., and Qian, W. (2023). Functional importance and divergence of plant apurinic/apyrimidinic endonucleases in somatic and meiotic DNA repair. Plant Cell 35, 2316-2331.

373     Han, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Ma, N., Liu, X., Tao, W., Lou, Z., Zhong, C., Deng, X.W., Li, D., and He, H. (2023). Two haplotype-resolved, gap-free genome assemblies for Actinidia latifolia and Actinidia chinensis shed light on the regulatory mechanisms of vitamin C and sucrose metabolism in kiwifruit. Mol Plant 16, 452-470.

372     Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Fan, D., Zhou, X., Jiao, Y., Deng, X.W., and Zhu, D. (2023). The noncoding RNA HIDDEN TREASURE 1 promotes phytochrome B-dependent seed germination by repressing abscisic acid biosynthesis. Plant Cell 35, 700-716.

371     Wang, J., Sun, N., Zheng, L., Zhang, F., Xiang, M., Chen, H., Deng, X.W., and Wei, N. (2023). Brassinosteroids promote etiolated apical structures in darkness by amplifying the ethylene response via the EBF-EIN3/PIF3 circuit. Plant Cell 35, 390-408.

370     Wang, Y., Deng, X.W., and Zhu, D. (2022). From molecular basics to agronomic benefits: Insights into noncoding RNA-mediated gene regulation in plants. J Integr Plant Biol 64, 2290-2308.

369     Cao, Y., Wang, J., Wu, S., Yin, X., Shu, J., Dai, X., Liu, Y., Sun, L., Zhu, D., Deng, X.W., Ye, K., and Qian, W. (2022). The small nucleolar RNA SnoR28 regulates plant growth and development by directing rRNA maturation. Plant Cell 34, 4173-4190.

368     Lan, H., Heng, Y., Li, J., Zhang, M., Bian, Y., Chu, L., Jiang, Y., Wang, X., Xu, D., and Deng, X.W. (2022). COP1 SUPPRESSOR 6 represses the PIF4 and PIF5 action to promote light-inhibited hypocotyl growth. J Integr Plant Biol 64, 2097-2110.

367     Liu, H., Wang, H., Liao, X.L., Gao, B., Lu, X., Sun, D., Gong, W., Zhong, J., Zhu, H., Pan, X., Guo, L., Deng, X.W., and Zhou, Q. (2022). Mycoviral gene integration converts a plant pathogenic fungus into a biocontrol agent. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119, e2214096119.

366     Xu, M., Wang, X., Liu, J., Jia, A., Xu, C., Deng, X.W., and He, G. (2022). Natural variation in the transcription factor Replumless contributes to both disease resistance and plant growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Commun, 100351.

365     Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Fan, D., Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, R., Wang, Y., Sun, Y., Zhang, W., He, Y.,  Deng, X.W., and Zhu, D. (2022). The Arabidopsis DREAM complex antagonizes WDR5A to modulate histone H3K4me2/3 deposition for a subset of genome repression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119, e2206075119.

364     Zhang, Y., Fu, J., Wang, K., Han, X., Yan, T., Su, Y., Li, Y., Lin, Z., Qin, P., Fu, C., Deng, X.W., Zhou, D., Yang, Y., and He, H. (2022). The telomere-to-telomere gap-free genome of four rice parents reveals SV and PAV patterns in hybrid rice breeding. Plant Biotechnol J.  doi: 10.1111/pbi.13880.

363     Deng, Y., Liu, S., Zhang, Y., Tan, J., Li, X., Chu, X., Xu, B., Tian, Y., Sun, Y., Li, B., Xu, Y., Deng, X.W., He, H., and Zhang, X. (2022). A telomere-to-telomere gap-free reference genome of watermelon and its mutation library provide important resources for gene discovery and breeding. Mol Plant, doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2022.1006.1010.

362     Cui, D., Zhou, H., Ma, X., Lin, Z., Sun, L., Han, B., Li, M., Sun, J., Liu, J., Jin, G., Wang, X., Cao, G., Deng, X.W., He, H., and Han, L. (2022). Genomic insights on the contribution of introgressions from Xian/Indica to the genetic improvement of Geng/Japonica rice cultivars. Plant Commun 3, 100325.

361     Wang, Y., Wang, L., Guan, Z., Chang, H., Ma, L., Shen, C., Qiu, L., Yan, J., Zhang, D., Li, J., Deng, X.W., and Yin, P. (2022). Structural insight into UV-B-activated UVR8 bound to COP1. Sci Adv 8, eabn3337.

360     Cui, Y., Bian, J., Guan, Y., Xu, F., Han, X.,  Deng, X.W., and Liu, X. (2022). Genome-Wide Analysis and Expression Profiles of Ethylene Signal Genes and Apetala2/Ethylene-Responsive Factors in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Front Plant Sci 13, 828482.

359     Zhou, H., Zhu, W., Wang, X., Bian, Y., Jiang, Y., Li, J., Wang, L., Yin, P., Deng, X.W., and Xu, D. (2022). A missense mutation in WRKY32 converts its function from a positive regulator to a repressor of photomorphogenesis. New Phytol 235, 111-125.

358     Liu, W., Zhang, Y., He, H., He, G., and Deng, X.W. (2022). From hybrid genomes to heterotic trait output: Challenges and opportunities. Curr Opin Plant Biol 66, 102193.

357     Hao, C., Yang, Y., Du, J., Deng, X.W., and Li, L. (2022). The PCY-SAG14 phytocyanin module regulated by PIFs and miR408 promotes dark-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119.

356     Yan, T., Heng, Y., Wang, W., Li, J., and Deng, X.W. (2022). SWELLMAP 2, a phyB-Interacting Splicing Factor, Negatively Regulates Seedling Photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci 13, 836519.

355     Cao, J., Liang, Y., Yan, T., Wang, X., Zhou, H., Chen, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Zhang, S., Liao, J., Cheng, S., Chu, J., Huang, X., Xu, D., Li, J., Deng, X.W., and Lin, F. (2022). The photomorphogenic repressors BBX28 and BBX29 integrate light and brassinosteroid signaling to inhibit seedling development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 34, 2266-2285.

354     Cui, Y., Bian, J., Lv, Y., Li, J.,  Deng, X.W., and Liu, X. (2022). Analysis of the Transcriptional Dynamics of Regulatory Genes During Peanut Pod Development Caused by Darkness and Mechanical Stress. Front Plant Sci 13, 904162.

353     Wu, J., Qiu, S., Wang, M., Xu, C.,  Deng, X.W., and Tang, X. (2021). Construction of a weight-based seed sorting system for the third-generation hybrid rice. Rice (New York, NY) 14, 66.

352     Yan, W.,  Deng, X.W., Yang, C., and Tang, X. (2021). The Genome-Wide EMS Mutagenesis Bias Correlates With Sequence Context and Chromatin Structure in Rice. Front Plant Sci 12, 579675.

351     Zhao, P., Zhang, X., Gong, Y., Wang, D., Xu, D., Wang, N., Sun, Y., Gao, L., Liu, S.S.,  Deng, X.W., Kliebenstein, D.J., Zhou, X., Fang, R.X., and Ye, J. (2021). Red-light is an environmental effector for mutualism between begomovirus and its vector whitefly. PLoS Pathog 17, e1008770.

350     Li, G., Wang, L., Yang, J., He, H., Jin, H., Li, X., Ren, T., Ren, Z., Li, F., Han, X., Zhao, X., Dong, L., Li, Y., Song, Z., Yan, Z., Zheng, N., Shi, C., Wang, Z., Yang, S., Xiong, Z., Zhang, M., Sun, G., Zheng, X., Gou, M., Ji, C., Du, J., Zheng, H., Doležel, J.,  Deng, X.W., Stein, N., Yang, Q., Zhang, K., and Wang, D. (2021). A high-quality genome assembly highlights rye genomic characteristics and agronomically important genes. Nat Genet 53, 574-584.

349     Liu, W., He, G., and  Deng, X.W. (2021). Biological pathway expression complementation contributes to biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.

348     Yang, L., Liu, P., Wang, X., Jia, A., Ren, D., Tang, Y., Tang, Y.,  Deng, X.W., and He, G. (2021). A central circadian oscillator confers defense heterosis in hybrids without growth vigor costs. Nature Commun 12, 2317.

347     Zhu, W., Zhou, H., Lin, F., Zhao, X., Jiang, Y., Xu, D. and Deng, X.W. (2020). COLD-REGULATED GENE 27 Integrates Signals from Light and the Circadian Clock to Promote Hypocotyl Growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell: doi: 10.1105/tpc.1120.00192.

346     Zhang, H., Wang, M., Li, Y., Yan, W., Chang, Z., Ni, H., Chen, Z., Wu, J., Xu, C., Deng, X.W. and Tang, X. (2020). GDSL esterase/lipases OsGELP34 and OsGELP110/OsGELP115 are essential for rice pollen development. J Integr Plant Biol: doi: 10.1111/jipb.12919.

345     Yang, P., Wen, Q., Yu, R., Han, X., Deng, X.W. and Chen, H. (2020). Light modulates the gravitropic responses through organ-specific PIFs and HY5 regulation of LAZY4 expression in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117, 18840-18848.

344     Xu, D., Wu, D., Li, X. H., Jiang, Y., Tian, T., Chen, Q., Ma, L., Wang, H., Deng, X.W. and Li, G. (2020). Light and Abscisic Acid Coordinately Regulate Greening of Seedlings. Plant Physiol 183, 1281-1294.

343     Xu, D. and Deng, X.W. (2020). CBF-phyB-PIF Module Links Light and Low Temperature Signaling. Trends Plant Sci: doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2020.1006.1010.

342     Wang, X., Yu, R., Wang, J., Lin, Z., Han, X., Deng, Z., Fan, L., He, H., Deng, X.W. and Chen, H. (2020). The Asymmetric Expression of SAUR Genes Mediated by ARF7/19 Promotes the Gravitropism and Phototropism of Plant Hypocotyls. Cell Rep 31, 107529.

341     Wang, M., Yan, W., Peng, X., Chen, Z., Xu, C., Wu, J., Deng, X.W. and Tang, X. (2020). Identification of late-stage pollen-specific promoters for construction of pollen-inactivation system in rice. J Integr Plant Biol 62, 1246-1263.

340     Wang, J., Sun, N., Zhang, F., Yu, R., Chen, H., Deng, X.W. and Wei, N. (2020). SAUR17 and SAUR50 Differentially Regulate PP2C-D1 during Apical Hook Development and Cotyledon Opening in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 32, 3792-3811.

339     Song, Z., Yan, T., Liu, J., Bian, Y., Heng, Y., Lin, F., Jiang, Y., Deng, X.W. and Xu, D. (2020). BBX28/BBX29-HY5-BBX30/31 form a feedback loop to fine-tune photomorphogenic development. Plant J: doi: 10.1111/tpj.14929.

338     Qin, N., Xu, D., Li, J. and Deng, X.W. (2020). COP9 signalosome: Discovery, conservation, activity, and function. J Integr Plant Biol 62, 90-103.

337     Peng, X., Wang, M., Li, Y., Yan, W., Chang, Z., Chen, Z., Xu, C., Yang, C., Deng, X.W., Wu, J. and Tang, X. (2020). Lectin receptor kinase OsLecRK-S.7 is required for pollen development and male fertility. J Integr Plant Biol 62, 1227-1245.

336     Liu, H., Lin, R. and Deng, X.W. (2020). Photobiology: Light signal transduction and photomorphogenesis. J Integr Plant Biol 62, 1267-1269.

335     Lin, Z., Qin, P., Zhang, X., Fu, C., Deng, H., Fu, X., Huang, Z., Jiang, S., Li, C., Tang, X., Wang, X., He, G., Yang, Y., He, H. and Deng, X.W. (2020). Divergent selection and genetic introgression shape the genome landscape of heterosis in hybrid rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117, 4623-4631.

334     Li, J., Terzaghi, W., Gong, Y., Li, C., Ling, J. J., Fan, Y., Qin, N., Gong, X., Zhu, D. and Deng, X.W. (2020). Modulation of BIN2 kinase activity by HY5 controls hypocotyl elongation in the light. Nat Commun 11, 1592.

333     Li, H., Jiang, S., Li, C., Liu, L., Lin, Z., He, H., Deng, X.W., Zhang, Z. and Wang, X. (2020). The hybrid protein interactome contributes to rice heterosis as epistatic effects. Plant J 102, 116-128.

332     Dong, J., Chen, H., Deng, X.W., Irish, V. F. and Wei, N. (2020). Phytochrome B Induces Intron Retention and Translational Inhibition of PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR3. Plant Physiol 182, 159-166.

331     Han, X., Chang, X., Zhang, Z., Chen, H., He, H., Zhong, B., and Deng, X.W. (2019). Origin and Evolution of Core Components Responsible for Monitoring Light Environment Changes during Plant Terrestrialization. Mol Plant 12, 847-862.

330     Heng, Y., Jiang, Y., Zhao, X., Zhou, H., Wang, X., Deng, X.W., and Xu, D. (2019). BBX4, a phyB-interacting and modulated regulator, directly interacts with PIF3 to fine tune red light-mediated photomorphogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 17;116(51):26049-26056.

329     Ren, D., Wang, X., Yang, M., Yang, L., He, G., and Deng, X.W. (2019). A new regulator of seed size control in Arabidopsis identified by a genome-wide association study. New Phytol 222, 895-906.

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217    Li, G., Siddiqui, H., Teng, Y., Lin, R., Wan, X.Y., Li, J., Lau, O.S., Ouyang, X., Dai, M., Wan, J., Devlin, P.F., Deng, X.W., and Wang, H. (2011). Coordinated transcriptional regulation underlying the circadian clock in Arabidopsis. Nat Cell Biol 13, 616-622.

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214    He, G., Elling, A.A., and Deng, X.W. (2011). The epigenome and plant development. Annu Rev Plant Biol 62, 411-435.

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212    Chen, H., He, H., Zou, Y., Chen, W., Yu, R., Liu, X., Yang, Y., Gao, Y.M., Xu, J.L., Fan, L.M., Li, Y., Li, Z.K., and Deng, X.W. (2011). Development and application of a set of breeder-friendly SNP markers for genetic analyses and molecular breeding of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl Genet 123, 869-879.

211    Zhou, J., Wang, X., He, K., Charron, J.B., Elling, A.A., and Deng, X.W. (2010). Genome-wide profiling of histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation and dimethylation in Arabidopsis reveals correlation between multiple histone marks and gene expression. Plant Mol Biol 72, 585-595.

210    Yang, Y., Qin, Y., Xie, C., Zhao, F., Zhao, J., Liu, D., Chen, S., Fuglsang, A.T., Palmgren, M.G., Schumaker, K.S., Deng, X.W., and Guo, Y. (2010). The Arabidopsis chaperone J3 regulates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase through interaction with the PKS5 kinase. Plant Cell 22, 1313-1332.

209    Li, J., Li, G., Gao, S., Martinez, C., He, G., Zhou, Z., Huang, X., Lee, J.H., Zhang, H., Shen, Y., Wang, H., and Deng, X.W. (2010). Arabidopsis transcription factor ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 plays a role in the feedback regulation of phytochrome A signaling. Plant Cell 22, 3634-3649.

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205    He, H., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Wu, N., Yang, X., Chen, R., Li, Y., Deng, X.W., and Li, L. (2010). Development of a versatile, target-oriented tiling microarray assay for measuring allele-specific gene expression. Genomics 96, 308-315.

204    He, G., Zhu, X., Elling, A.A., Chen, L., Wang, X., Guo, L., Liang, M., He, H., Zhang, H., Chen, F., Qi, Y., Chen, R., and Deng, X.W. (2010). Global epigenetic and transcriptional trends among two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids. Plant Cell 22, 17-33.

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201    Bai, S., Zhao, J., Zhang, Y., Huang, W., Xu, S., Chen, H., Fan, L.M., Chen, Y., and Deng, X.W. (2010). Rapid and reliable detection of 11 food-borne pathogens using thin-film biosensor chips. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 86, 983-990.

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195    Shen, Y., Zhou, Z., Feng, S., Li, J., Tan-Wilson, A., Qu, L.J., Wang, H., and Deng, X.W. (2009). Phytochrome A mediates rapid red light-induced phosphorylation of Arabidopsis FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL1 in a low fluence response. Plant Cell 21, 494-506.

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191    Jiao, Y., Tausta, S.L., Gandotra, N., Sun, N., Liu, T., Clay, N.K., Ceserani, T., Chen, M., Ma, L., Holford, M., Zhang, H.Y., Zhao, H., Deng, X.W., and Nelson, T. (2009). A transcriptome atlas of rice cell types uncovers cellular, functional and developmental hierarchies. Nat Genet 41, 258-263.

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188    Charron, J.B., He, H., Elling, A.A., and Deng, X.W. (2009). Dynamic landscapes of four histone modifications during deetiolation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21, 3732-3748.

187    Zhu, D., Maier, A., Lee, J.H., Laubinger, S., Saijo, Y., Wang, H., Qu, L.J., Hoecker, U., and Deng, X.W. (2008). Biochemical characterization of Arabidopsis complexes containing CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 and SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA proteins in light control of plant development. Plant Cell 20, 2307-2323.

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183    Zhang, H.Y., He, H., Chen, L.B., Li, L., Liang, M.Z., Wang, X.F., Liu, X.G., He, G.M., Chen, R.S., Ma, L.G., and Deng, X.W. (2008). A genome-wide transcription analysis reveals a close correlation of promoter INDEL polymorphism and heterotic gene expression in rice hybrids. Mol Plant 1, 720-731.

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181    Yin, B.L., Guo, L., Zhang, D.F., Terzaghi, W., Wang, X.F., Liu, T.T., He, H., Cheng, Z.K., and Deng, X.W. (2008). Integration of cytological features with molecular and epigenetic properties of rice chromosome 4. Mol Plant 1, 816-829.

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125    Jiao, Y., Jia, P., Wang, X., Su, N., Yu, S., Zhang, D., Ma, L., Feng, Q., Jin, Z., Li, L., Xue, Y., Cheng, Z., Zhao, H., Han, B., and Deng, X.W. (2005). A tiling microarray expression analysis of rice chromosome 4 suggests a chromosome-level regulation of transcription. Plant Cell 17, 1641-1657.

124    Figueroa, P., Gusmaroli, G., Serino, G., Habashi, J., Ma, L., Shen, Y., Feng, S., Bostick, M., Callis, J., Hellmann, H., and Deng, X.W. (2005). Arabidopsis has two redundant Cullin3 proteins that are essential for embryo development and that interact with RBX1 and BTB proteins to form multisubunit E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes in vivo. Plant Cell 17, 1180-1195.

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122    Yanagawa, Y., Sullivan, J.A., Komatsu, S., Gusmaroli, G., Suzuki, G., Yin, J., Ishibashi, T., Saijo, Y., Rubio, V., Kimura, S., Wang, J., and Deng, X.W. (2004). Arabidopsis COP10 forms a complex with DDB1 and DET1 in vivo and enhances the activity of ubiquitin conjugating enzymes. Genes Dev 18, 2172-2181.

121    Wang, L., Dong, L., Zhang, Y., Wu, W., Deng, X.W., and Xue, Y. (2004). Genome-wide analysis of S-Locus F-box-like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Bio l56, 929-945.

120    Gusmaroli, G., Feng, S., and Deng, X.W. (2004). The Arabidopsis CSN5A and CSN5B subunits are present in distinct COP9 signalosome complexes, and mutations in their JAMM domains exhibit differential dominant negative effects on development. Plant Cell 16, 2984-3001.

119    Gong, W., Shen, Y.P., Ma, L.G., Pan, Y., Du, Y.L., Wang, D.H., Yang, J.Y., Hu, L.D., Liu, X.F., Dong, C.X., Ma, L., Chen, Y.H., Yang, X.Y., Gao, Y., Zhu, D., Tan, X., Mu, J.Y., Zhang, D.B., Liu, Y.L., Dinesh-Kumar, S.P., Li, Y., Wang, X.P., Gu, H.Y., Qu, L.J., Bai, S.N., Lu, Y.T., Li, J.Y., Zhao, J.D., Zuo, J., Huang, H., Deng, X.W., and Zhu, Y.X. (2004). Genome-wide ORFeome cloning and analysis of Arabidopsis transcription factor genes. Plant Physiol 135, 773-782.

118    Gao, Y., Li, J., Strickland, E., Hua, S., Zhao, H., Chen, Z., Qu, L., and Deng, X.W. (2004). An arabidopsis promoter microarray and its initial usage in the identification of HY5 binding targets in vitro.Plant Mol Biol 54, 683-699.

117    Feng, S., Shen, Y., Sullivan, J.A., Rubio, V., Xiong, Y., Sun, T.P., and Deng, X.W. (2004). Arabidopsis CAND1, an unmodified CUL1-interacting protein, is involved in multiple developmental pathways controlled by ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated protein Degradation. Plant Cell 16, 1870-1882.

116    Boccalandro, H.E., Rossi, M.C., Saijo, Y., Deng, X.W., and Casal, J.J. (2004). Promotion of photomorphogenesis by COP1. Plant Mol Biol 56, 905-915.

115    Wu, P., Ma, L., Hou, X., Wang, M., Wu, Y., Liu, F., and Deng, X.W. (2003). Phosphate starvation triggers distinct alterations of genome expression in Arabidopsis roots and leaves. Plant Physiol 132, 1260-1271.

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113    Wang, X., Feng, S., Nakayama, N., Crosby, W.L., Irish, V., Deng, X.W., and Wei, N. (2003). The COP9 signalosome interacts with SCF UFO and participates in Arabidopsis flower development. Plant Cell 15, 1071-1082.

112    Wang, H., and Deng, X.W. (2003). Dissecting the phytochrome A-dependent signaling network in higher plants. Trends Plant Sci 8, 172-178.

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108    Serino, G., Su, H., Peng, Z., Tsuge, T., Wei, N., Gu, H., and Deng, X.W. (2003). Characterization of the last subunit of the Arabidopsis COP9 signalosome: implications for the overall structure and origin of the complex. Plant Cell 15, 719-731.

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102    Lykke-Andersen, K., Schaefer, L., Menon, S., Deng, X.W., Miller, J.B., and Wei, N. (2003). Disruption of the COP9 signalosome Csn2 subunit in mice causes deficient cell proliferation, accumulation of p53 and cyclin E, and early embryonic death. Mol Cell Biol 23, 6790-6797.

101    Li, L., and Deng, X.W. (2003). The COP9 signalosome: an alternative lid for the 26S proteasome? Trends Cell Biol 13, 507-509.

100    Jiao, Y., Yang, H., Ma, L., Sun, N., Yu, H., Liu, T., Gao, Y., Gu, H., Chen, Z., Wada, M., Gerstein, M., Zhao, H., Qu, L.J., and Deng, X.W. (2003). A genome-wide analysis of blue-light regulation of Arabidopsis transcription factor gene expression during seedling development.Plant Physiol 133, 1480-1493.

99      Feng, S., Ma, L., Wang, X., Xie, D., Dinesh-Kumar, S.P., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (2003). The COP9 signalosome interacts physically with SCF COI1 and modulates jasmonate responses. Plant Cell 15, 1083-1094.

98      Yi, C., Wang, H., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (2002). An initial biochemical and cell biological characterization of the mammalian homologue of a central plant developmental switch, COP1.BMC Cell Biol 3, 30.

97      Yadav, V., Kundu, S., Chattopadhyay, D., Negi, P., Wei, N., Deng, X.W., and Chattopadhyay, S. (2002). Light regulated modulation of Z-box containing promoters by photoreceptors and downstream regulatory components, COP1 and HY5, in Arabidopsis. Plant J 31, 741-753.

96      Wang, H., Ma, L., Habashi, J., Li, J., Zhao, H., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Analysis of far-red light-regulated genome expression profiles of phytochrome A pathway mutants in Arabidopsis. Plant J 32, 723-733.

95      Wang, H., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Arabidopsis FHY3 defines a key phytochrome A signaling component directly interacting with its homologous partner FAR1. EMBO J 21, 1339-1349.

94      Suzuki, G., Yanagawa, Y., Kwok, S.F., Matsui, M., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Arabidopsis COP10 is a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme variant that acts together with COP1 and the COP9 signalosome in repressing photomorphogenesis. Genes Dev 16, 554-559.

93      Schwechheimer, C., Serino, G., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Multiple ubiquitin ligase-mediated processes require COP9 signalosome and AXR1 function. Plant Cell 14, 2553-2563.

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91      Liu, Y., Schiff, M., Serino, G., Deng, X.W., and Dinesh-Kumar, S.P. (2002). Role of SCF ubiquitin-ligase and the COP9 signalosome in the N gene-mediated resistance response to Tobacco mosaic virus. Plant Cell 14, 1483-1496.

90      Holm, M., Ma, L.G., Qu, L.J., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Two interacting bZIP proteins are direct targets of COP1-mediated control of light-dependent gene expression in Arabidopsis. Genes Dev 16, 1247-1259.

89      Hardtke, C.S., Okamoto, H., Stoop-Myer, C., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Biochemical evidence for ubiquitin ligase activity of the Arabidopsis COP1 interacting protein 8 (CIP8). Plant J 30, 385-394.

88      Fry, R.C., Habashi, J., Okamoto, H., and Deng, X.W. (2002). Characterization of a strong dominant phytochrome A mutation unique to phytochrome A signal propagation. Plant Physiol 130, 457-465.

87      Yamamoto, Y.Y., Deng, X.W., and Matsui, M. (2001). Cip4, a new COP1 target, is a nucleus-localized positive regulator of Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis. Plant Cell 13, 399-411.

86      Wang, H., Ma, L.G., Li, J.M., Zhao, H.Y., and Deng, X.W. (2001). Direct interaction of Arabidopsis cryptochromes with COP1 in light control development. Science 294, 154-158.

85      Schwechheimer, C., Serino, G., Callis, J., Crosby, W.L., Lyapina, S., Deshaies, R.J., Gray, W.M., Estelle, M., and Deng, X.W. (2001). Interactions of the COP9 signalosome with the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCFTIRI in mediating auxin response. Science292, 1379-1382.

84      Schwechheimer, C., and Deng, X.W. (2001). COP9 signalosome revisited: a novel mediator of protein degradation. Trends Cell Biol 11, 420-426.

83      Peng, Z., Staub, J.M., Serino, G., Kwok, S.F., Kurepa, J., Bruce, B.D., Vierstra, R.D., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (2001). The cellular level of PR500, a protein complex related to the 19S regulatory particle of the proteasome, is regulated in response to stresses in plants. Mol Biol Cell 12, 383-392.

82      Peng, Z., Serino, G., and Deng, X.W. (2001). Molecular characterization of subunit 6 of the COP9 signalosome and its role in multifaceted developmental processes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 13, 2393-2407.

81      Peng, Z., Serino, G., and Deng, X.W. (2001). A role of Arabidopsis COP9 signalosome in multifaceted developmental processes revealed by the characterization of its subunit 3. Development 128, 4277-4288.

80      Okamoto, H., Qu, L., and Deng, X.W. (2001). Does EID1 aid the fine-tuning of phytochrome A signal transduction in Arabidopsis? Plant Cell 13, 1983-1986.

79      Okamoto, H., Matsui, M., and Deng, X.W. (2001). Overexpression of the heterotrimeric G-protein alpha-subunit enhances phytochrome-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 13, 1639-1652.

78      Ma, L., Li, J., Qu, L., Hager, J., Chen, Z., Zhao, H., and Deng, X.W. (2001). Light control of Arabidopsis development entails coordinated regulation of genome expression and cellular pathways. Plant Cell 13, 2589-2607.

77      Jiang, C.J., Shoji, K., Matsuki, R., Baba, A., Inagaki, N., Ban, H., Iwasaki, T., Imamoto, N., Yoneda, Y., Deng, X.W., and Yamamoto, N. (2001). Molecular cloning of a novel importin alpha homologue from rice, by which constitutive photomorphogenic 1 (COP1) nuclear localization signal (NLS)-protein is preferentially nuclear imported. J Biol Chem 276, 9322-9329.

76      Holm, M., Hardtke, C.S., Gaudet, R., and Deng, X.W. (2001). Identification of a structural motif that confers specific interaction with the WD40 repeat domain of Arabidopsis COP1. EMBO J 20, 118-127.

75      Yamamoto, Y.Y., Puente, P., and Deng, X.W. (2000). An Arabidopsis cotyledon-specific albino locus: a possible role in 16S rRNA maturation. Plant Cell Physiol 41, 68-76.

74      Schwechheimer, C., and Deng, X.W. (2000). The COP/DET/FUS proteins-regulators of eukaryotic growth and development.Semin Cell Dev Biol 11, 495-503.

73      Osterlund, M.T., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (2000). The roles of photoreceptor systems and the COP1-targeted destabilization of HY5 in light control of Arabidopsis seedling development.Plant Physiol 124, 1520-1524.

72      Osterlund, M.T., Hardtke, C.S., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (2000). Targeted destabilization of HY5 during light-regulated development of Arabidopsis.Nature 405, 462-466.

71      Leyser, O., and Deng, X.W. (2000). Cell signalling and gene regulation: New directions in plant signalling: Editorial Overview. Curr Opin Plant Biol 3, 351-352.

70      Kang, D., Wang, X., Cao, K., Sun, C., Deng, X.W., and Wei, N. (2000). A gain-of-function phenotype conferred by over-expression of functional subunits of the COP9 signalosome in Arabidopsis. Plant J 23, 597-608.

69      Hsieh, H.L., Okamoto, H., Wang, M., Ang, L.H., Matsui, M., Goodman, H., and Deng, X.W. (2000). FIN219, an auxin-regulated gene, defines a link between phytochrome A and the downstream regulator COP1 in light control of Arabidopsis development. Genes Dev 14, 1958-1970.

68      Hardtke, C.S., Gohda, K., Osterlund, M.T., Oyama, T., Okada, K., and Deng, X.W. (2000). HY5 stability and activity in arabidopsis is regulated by phosphorylation in its COP1 binding domain. EMBO J 19, 4997-5006.

67      Hardtke, C.S., and Deng, X.W. (2000). The cell biology of the COP/DET/FUS proteins. Regulating proteolysis in photomorphogenesis and beyond? Plant Physiol 124, 1548-1557.

66      Deng, X.W., Dubiel, W., Wei, N., Hofmann, K., Mundt, K., Colicelli, J., Kato, J., Naumann, M., Segal, D., Seeger, M., Carr, A., Glickman, M., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2000). Unified nomenclature for the COP9 signalosome and its subunits: an essential regulator of development. Trends Genet 16, 202-203.

65      Abel, S., Blazquez, M., Dangl, J., Deng, X.W., Graham, I., Harada, J., Jones, J., and Nilsson, O. (2000). Arabidopsis Research 2000. Plant Cell 12, 2302-2308.

64      Yamamoto, N., and Deng, X.W. (1999). Protein nucleocytoplasmic transport and its light regulation in plants.Genes Cells 4, 489-500.

63      Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1999). Making sense of the COP9 signalosome. A regulatory protein complex conserved from Arabidopsis to human. Trends Genet 15, 98-103.

62      Wang, H., Kang, D., Deng, X.W., and Wei, N. (1999). Evidence for functional conservation of a mammalian homologue of the light-responsive plant protein COP1.Curr Biol 9, 711-714.

61      Torii, K.U., Stoop-Myer, C.D., Okamoto, H., Coleman, J.E., Matsui, M., and Deng, X.W. (1999). The RING finger motif of photomorphogenic repressor COP1 specifically interacts with the RING-H2 motif of a novel Arabidopsis protein. J Biol Chem 274, 27674-27681.

60      Stoop-Myer, C., Torii, K.U., McNellis, T.W., Coleman, J.E., and Deng, X.W. (1999). Short communication: the N-terminal fragment of Arabidopsis photomorphogenic repressor COP1 maintains partial function and acts in a concentration-dependent manner. Plant J 20, 713-717.

59      Serino, G., Tsuge, T., Kwok, S., Matsui, M., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1999). Arabidopsis cop8 and fus4 mutations define the same gene that encodes subunit 4 of the COP9 signalosome. Plant Cell 11, 1967-1980.

58      Osterlund, M.T., Ang, L.H., and Deng, X.W. (1999). The role of COP1 in repression of Arabidopsis photomorphogenic development.Trends Cell Biol 9, 113-118.

57      Kwok, S.F., Staub, J.M., and Deng, X.W. (1999). Characterization of two subunits of Arabidopsis 19S proteasome regulatory complex and its possible interaction with the COP9 complex.J Mol Biol 285, 85-95.

56      Holm, M., and Deng, X.W. (1999). Structural organization and interactions of COP1, a light-regulated developmental switch.Plant Mol Biol41, 151-158.

55      Deng, X.W., and Quail, P.H. (1999). Signalling in light-controlled development. Semin Cell Dev Biol 10, 121-129.

54      Yamamoto, Y.Y., Matsui, M., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Positive feedback in plant signaling pathways.Trends Plant Sci 3, 374-375.

53      Yamamoto, Y.Y., Matsui, M., Ang, L.H., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Role of a COP1 interactive protein in mediating light-regulated gene expression in arabidopsis.Plant Cell 10, 1083-1094.

52      Yamamoto, Y.Y., and Deng, X.W. (1998). A New Vector Set for GAL4-Dependent Transactivation Assay in Plants. Plant Biotechnol 15, 217-220.

51      Wei, N., Tsuge, T., Serino, G., Dohmae, N., Takio, K., Matsui, M., and Deng, X.W. (1998). The COP9 complex is conserved between plants and mammals and is related to the 26S proteasome regulatory complex. Curr Biol 8, 919-922.

50      Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Characterization and purification of the mammalian COP9 complex, a conserved nuclear regulator initially identified as a repressor of photomorphogenesis in higher plants.Photochem Photobiol 68, 237-241.

49      von Arnim, A.G., Deng, X.W., and Stacey, M.G. (1998). Cloning vectors for the expression of green fluorescent protein fusion proteins in transgenic plants. Gene 221, 35-43.

48      Torii, K.U., McNellis, T.W., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Functional dissection of Arabidopsis COP1 reveals specific roles of its three structural modules in light control of seedling development. EMBO J 17, 5577-5587.

47      Osterlund, M.T., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Multiple photoreceptors mediate the light-induced reduction of GUS-COP1 from Arabidopsis hypocotyl nuclei. Plant J 16, 201-208.

46      Kwok, S.F., Solano, R., Tsuge, T., Chamovitz, D.A., Ecker, J.R., Matsui, M., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Arabidopsis homologs of a c-Jun coactivator are present both in monomeric form and in the COP9 complex, and their abundance is differentially affected by the pleiotropic cop/det/fus mutations. Plant Cell 10, 1779-1790.

45      Karniol, B., Yahalom, A., Kwok, S., Tsuge, T., Matsui, M., Deng, X.W., and Chamovitz, D.A. (1998). The Arabidopsis homologue of an eIF3 complex subunit associates with the COP9 complex. FEBS Lett 439, 173-179.

44      Deng, X.W. (1998). Light control of Arabidopsis developmental pattern. Symp Soc Exp Biol 51, 93-96.

43      Chattopadhyay, S., Puente, P., Deng, X.W., and Wei, N. (1998). Combinatorial interaction of light-responsive elements plays a critical role in determining the response characteristics of light-regulated promoters in Arabidopsis. Plant J 15, 69-77.

42      Chattopadhyay, S., Ang, L.H., Puente, P., Deng, X.W., and Wei, N. (1998). Arabidopsis bZIP protein HY5 directly interacts with light-responsive promoters in mediating light control of gene expression. Plant Cell 10, 673-683.

41      Ang, L.H., Chattopadhyay, S., Wei, N., Oyama, T., Okada, K., Batschauer, A., and Deng, X.W. (1998). Molecular interaction between COP1 and HY5 defines a regulatory switch for light control of Arabidopsis development. Mol Cell 1, 213-222.

40      von Arnim, A.G., Osterlund, M.T., Kwok, S.F., and Deng, X.W. (1997).Genetic and developmental control of nuclear accumulation of COP1, a repressor of photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiol 114, 779-788.

39      Torii, K.U., and Deng, X.W. (1997). The role of COP1 in light control of Arabidopsis seedling development.Plant Cell Environ 20, 728-733.

38      Deng, X.W., and Mei, Z. (1997). The higher plant thylakoid pigment-protein complexes migration and the reduction of light energy distribution between two photosystems. Scientia Sinica (series B) 4, 377-386.

37      Chamovitz, D.A., and Deng, X.W. (1997). The COP9 complex: a link between photomorphogenesis and general developmental regulation? Plant Cell Environ 20, 734-739.

36      Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1996). The role of the COP/DET/FUS genes in light control of arabidopsis seedling development.Plant Physiol 112, 871-878.

35      von Arnim, A., and Deng, X.W. (1996).A role for transcriptional repression during light control of plant development.Bioessays 18, 905-910.

34      Von Arnim, A., and Deng, X.W. (1996). Light control of seedling development. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol 47, 215-243.

33      Staub, J.M., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1996). Evidence for FUS6 as a component of the nuclear-localized COP9 complex in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell 8, 2047-2056.

32      Staub, J.M., and Deng, X.W. (1996). Light signal transduction in plants.Photochem Photobiol 64, 897-905.

31      Puente, P., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1996). Combinatorial interplay of promoter elements constitutes the minimal determinants for light and developmental control of gene expression in Arabidopsis. EMBO J 15, 3732-3743.

30      McNellis, T.W., Torii, K.U., and Deng, X.W. (1996). Expression of an N-terminal fragment of COP1 confers a dominant-negative effect on light-regulated seedling development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 8, 1491-1503.

29      Kwok, S.F., Piekos, B., Misera, S., and Deng, X.W. (1996). A complement of ten essential and pleiotropic arabidopsis COP/DET/FUS genes is necessary for repression of photomorphogenesis in darkness. Plant Physiol 110, 731-742.

28      Deng, X.W., and Melis, A. (1996). Phosphorylation of the light-harvesting complex II in higher plant chloroplasts: effect on photosystem II and photosystem I absorption cross section. Photochem Photobiol 13, 41-52.

27      Chamovitz, D.A., Wei, N., Osterlund, M.T., von Arnim, A.G., Staub, J.M., Matsui, M., and Deng, X.W. (1996). The COP9 complex, a novel multisubunit nuclear regulator involved in light control of a plant developmental switch. Cell 86, 115-121.

26      Chamovitz, D.A., Deng, X.W., and Lam, E. (1996). Light signaling in plants.Crit Rev Plant Sci 15, 455-478.

25      Torii, K.U., and Deng, X.W. (1995). Regulation of plant form: Identification of a molecule controlling cell expansion. Bioessays 17, 383-386.

24      McNellis, T.W., and Deng, X.W. (1995). Light control of seedling morphogenetic pattern. Plant Cell 7, 1749-1761.

23      Matsui, M., Stoop, C.D., von Arnim, A.G., Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1995). Arabidopsis COP1 protein specifically interacts in vitro with a cytoskeleton-associated protein, CIP1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92, 4239-4243.

22      Chamovitz, D.A., and Deng, X.W. (1995). The novel components of the Arabidopsis light signaling pathway may define a group of general developmental regulators shared by both animal and plant kingdoms. Cell 82, 353-354.

21      Wei, N., Kwok, S.F., von Arnim, A.G., Lee, A., McNellis, T.W., Piekos, B., and Deng, X.W. (1994). Arabidopsis COP8, COP10, and COP11 genes are involved in repression of photomorphogenic development in darkness. Plant Cell 6, 629-643.

20      Wei, N., Chamovitz, D.A., and Deng, X.W. (1994). Arabidopsis COP9 is a component of a novel signaling complex mediating light control of development. Cell 78, 117-124.

19      von Arnim, A.G., and Deng, X.W. (1994). Light inactivation of Arabidopsis photomorphogenic repressor COP1 involves a cell-specific regulation of its nucleocytoplasmic partitioning. Cell 79, 1035-1045.

18      McNellis, T.W., von Arnim, A.G., and Deng, X.W. (1994). Overexpression of Arabidopsis COP1 results in partial suppression of light-mediated development: evidence for a light-inactivable repressor of photomorphogenesis. Plant Cell 6, 1391-1400.

17      McNellis, T.W., von Arnim, A.G., Araki, T., Komeda, Y., Misera, S., and Deng, X.W. (1994). Genetic and molecular analysis of an allelic series of cop1 mutants suggests functional roles for the multiple protein domains. Plant Cell 6, 487-500.

16      Deng, X.W. (1994). Fresh view of light signal transduction in plants. Cell 76, 423-426.

15      Ang, L.H., and Deng, X.W. (1994). Regulatory hierarchy of photomorphogenic loci: allele-specific and light-dependent interaction between the HY5 and COP1 loci. Plant Cell 6, 613-628.

14      von Arnim, A.G., and Deng, X.W. (1993). Ring finger motif of Arabidopsis thaliana COP1 defines a new class of zinc-binding domain. J Biol Chem 268, 19626-19631.

13      Hou, Y., Von Arnim, A.G., and Deng, X.W. (1993). A New Class of Arabidopsis Constitutive Photomorphogenic Genes Involved in Regulating Cotyledon Development. Plant Cell 5, 329-339.

12      Wei, N., and Deng, X.W. (1992). COP9: a new genetic locus involved in light-regulated development and gene expression in arabidopsis. Plant Cell 4, 1507-1518.

11      Tonkyn, J.C., Deng, X.W., and Gruissem, W. (1992). Regulation of Plastid Gene Expression during Photooxidative Stress. Plant Physiol 99, 1406-1415.

10      Deng, X.W., and Quail, P.H. (1992). Genetic and phenotypic characterization of cop1 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 2, 83-95.

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