- 简介
- 科研领域
- 学术发表
2003.8 - 2006.7 , 理学博士 , 遗传学 , 复旦大学
2000.9 - 2003.7 , 农学硕士 , 作物遗传育种 , 中国农业大学
1990.9 - 1994.6 , 理学学士 , 生物技术 , 东北农业大学工作经历
2010.7 - 至今 , 副研究员 , 北京大学
2009.1 - 2010.6 , 博士后 , 美国耶鲁大学
2006.8 - 2008.12 , 研究助理 , 北京生命科学研究所
1994.7 - 2000.8 , 研究实习员 , 湖北省农业科学院科研领域
*Corresponding author
1. Xu, M., Wang, X., Liu, J., Jia, A., Xu, C., Deng, X.W.* and He, G.* (2022). Natural variation in the transcription factor REPLUMLESS contributes to both disease resistance and plant growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Commun: 100351.
2. Liu, W., Zhang, Y., He, H., He, G.* and Deng, X.W.* (2022). From hybrid genomes to heterotic trait output: Challenges and opportunities. Curr Opin Plant Biol 66: 102193.
3. Yang, L., Liu, P., Wang, X., Jia, A., Ren, D., Tang, Y., Tang, Y., Deng, X.W.* and He, G.* (2021). A central circadian oscillator confers defense heterosis in hybrids without growth vigor costs. Nat Commun 12(1): 2317.4. Liu, W., He, G.* and Deng, X.W.* (2021). Biological pathway expression complementation contributes to biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118(16).
5. Lin, Z., Qin, P., Zhang, X., Fu, C., Deng, H., Fu, X., Huang, Z., Jiang, S., Li, C., Tang, X., Wang, X., He, G., Yang, Y., He, H., and Deng, X.W. (2020). Divergent selection and genetic introgression shape the genome landscape of heterosis in hybrid rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117, 4623-4631.
6. Wang, X., Yang, M., Ren, D., Terzaghi, W., Deng, X.W.*, and He, G.* (2019). Cis-regulated alternative splicing divergence and its potential contribution to environmental responses in Arabidopsis. Plant J 97, 555-570.
7. Ren, D., Wang, X., Yang, M., Yang, L., He, G.*, and Deng, X.W.* (2019). A new regulator of seed size control in Arabidopsis identified by a genome-wide association study. New Phytol 222 895-906.
8. Yang, M., Wang, X., Ren, D., Huang, H., Xu, M., He, G.*, and Deng, X.W.* (2017). Genomic architecture of biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114, 8101-8106.
9. Yang, L., Li, B., Zheng, X.Y., Li, J., Yang, M., Dong, X., He, G.*, An, C.*, and Deng, X.W.* (2015). Salicylic acid biosynthesis is enhanced and contributes to increased biotrophic pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis hybrids. Nat Commun 6, 7309.
10. Wang, Y., Wang, X., Deng, W., Fan, X., Liu, T.T., He, G., Chen, R., Terzaghi, W., Zhu, D., and Deng, X.W. (2014). Genomic features and regulatory roles of intermediate-sized non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant 7, 514-527.
11. Wang, Y., Fan, X., Lin, F., He, G., Terzaghi, W., Zhu, D., and Deng, X.W. (2014). Arabidopsis noncoding RNA mediates control of photomorphogenesis by red light. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 10359-10364.
12. Liu, T.T., Zhu, D., Chen, W., Deng, W., He, H., He, G., Bai, B., Qi, Y., Chen, R., and Deng, X.W. (2013). A global identification and analysis of small nucleolar RNAs and possible intermediate-sized non-coding RNAs in Oryza sativa. Mol Plant 6, 830-846.
13. He, G.*, Chen, B., Wang, X., Li, X., Li, J., He, H., Yang, M., Lu, L., Qi, Y., and Deng, X.W.* (2013). Conservation and divergence of transcriptomic and epigenomic variation in maize hybrids. Genome Biol 14, R57.
14. Shen, H., He, H., Li, J., Chen, W., Wang, X., Guo, L., Peng, Z., He, G., Zhong, S., Qi, Y., Terzaghi, W., and Deng, X.W. (2012). Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression changes in two Arabidopsis ecotypes and their reciprocal hybrids. Plant Cell 24, 875-892.
15. He, G., Elling, A.A., and Deng, X.W. (2011). The epigenome and plant development. Annu Rev Plant Biol 62, 411-435.
16. Li, J., Li, G., Gao, S., Martinez, C., He, G., Zhou, Z., Huang, X., Lee, J.H., Zhang, H., Shen, Y., Wang, H., and Deng, X.W. (2010). Arabidopsis transcription factor ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 plays a role in the feedback regulation of phytochrome A signaling. Plant Cell 22, 3634-3649.
17. He, G., Zhu, X., Elling, A.A., Chen, L., Wang, X., Guo, L., Liang, M., He, H., Zhang, H., Chen, F., Qi, Y., Chen, R., and Deng, X.W. (2010). Global epigenetic and transcriptional trends among two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids. Plant Cell 22, 17-33.
18. Zha, X., Luo, X., Qian, X., He, G., Yang, M., Li, Y., and Yang, J. (2009). Over-expression of the rice LRK1 gene improves quantitative yield components. Plant Biotechnol J 7, 611-620.
19. Wang, X., Elling, A.A., Li, X., Li, N., Peng, Z., He, G., Sun, H., Qi, Y., Liu, X.S., and Deng, X.W. (2009). Genome-wide and organ-specific landscapes of epigenetic modifications and their relationships to mRNA and small RNA transcriptomes in maize. Plant Cell 21, 1053-1069.
20. Zhang, H., He, H., Chen, L., Li, L., Liang, M., Wang, X., Liu, X., He, G., Chen, R., Ma, L., and Deng, X.W. (2008). A Genome-Wide Transcription Analysis Reveals a Close Correlation of Promoter INDEL Polymorphism and Heterotic Gene Expression in Rice Hybrids. Mol Plant 1, 720-731.
21. He, G., Luo, X., Tian, F., Li, K., Zhu, Z., Su, W., Qian, X., Fu, Y., Wang, X., Sun, C., and Yang, J. (2006). Haplotype variation in structure and expression of a gene cluster associated with a quantitative trait locus for improved yield in rice. Genome Res 16, 618-626.